in action,
in neurosciences
Marketing / UX
Understand the untold mechanisms behind the human behaviours and emotions, with a reliable and competitive tool designed for neurosciences, marketing, and biofeedback applications.
“TEA teams helped us implement two innovative tools. The first was CAPTIV, to measure postural constraints thanks to its robust sensors and the second was CAPTIV-Neurolabs, to measure the brain’s electrical activity thanks to a simple and easy-to-use tool.” Fabien Lebeurrier, engineer-ergonomist at Bouygues
Designed to make neuroscience accessible, CAPTIV-NeuroLab is an all-in-one solution that meets the needs and expectations of many businesses.
CAPTIV-NeuroLab synchronizes multiple devices and collects raw data related to emotional states and reactions, for the analysis and study of human behaviour confronted with visual stimuli, whether in real or virtual environment.
Our intuitive interface integrates the elements of the scenario via simple drag & drop, the hardware components are "plug & play" and the recording of the measurements is automatic.
Wireless motion sensors (IMU): the subject can interact directly in the scene with a realistic view of his digital twin (arms, legs etc.)
Wireless physiological sensors (ECG, EMG, etc): create behavioral interactions based on the subject's feelings (Stress, well-being etc.)
Partner Solutions
View Point System, Pertech for EyeTracking solutions - Wearable Sensing, Advanced Brain Technology for EEG solutions. All these products are fully compatible with CAPTIV-NeuroLab for an integrated set-up.

Neurofeedback and biofeedback training
TEA offers bespoke customized neurofeedback and biofeedback trainings, in partnership with the Neurosens Institute for Health, Education and Rehabilitation Professionals, as well as with performance measurement experts, particularly in the sports field.
Neurofeedback brain training programs can be used to analyze cognitive disorders (autism, Parkinson's, epilepsy, etc.), while biofeddback programs can lead a person to a better cardiac, muscular and neurological physiological fitness (for a better management of stress, fight against insomnia or pain) or maintain it in its autonomy.

Neurofeedback and biofeedback coaching
Coaching is one of the main success pillars for a brain training program in neurofeedback. It allows for a rigorous monitoring of a clinical procedure.

Neuromarketing Services
TEA Group offers you unique know-how but also state-of-the-art technologies allowing you to carry out objective marketing studies using powerful measurement systems in order to compare experiences and / or user journeys
User tests : packaging, new products
Merchandising : development of points of sale, shelves merchandising
UX design and usability : web ergonomics, smartphone applications
Communication and editing : advertising, print, video, teaser