

An innovative data acquisition system designed to synchronize video images with visual observations of measurements from different sensors.



Permanent “one-time-purchase” transferable software license, including:

  • Video footage
  • Measurements from physiological and/or biomechanical sensors
  • Visual observations
  • Measurements from third-party systems (dust, noise, temperature, VOCs, vibrations, motion capture, etc.)


  • Eyetraker : faceLab, Tobii, EyeTech,  FX3 (Ex FOVIO)
  • Motion tracking : T-Sens Motion
  • EEG : DSI, B-Alert, Epoc
  • Physiological Sensors : T-Sens Sensors,  Delsys, Biometrcis , Thought Technology
  • environmental Sensors :  T-Sens Sensors, BAPPU
  • Video : Webcam, Camescope, GoPro, etc.