we are people in action.
we are science in motion
we are tea.


We unlock new records. We create performance. We push boundaries.
We bring understanding. We track improvements.

World leader in human measurement in complex and real environments for over 30 years, TEA innovates for the well-being of humans with agile solutions and services.


Air France Carsat Ministère de la défense / DGA Ifsttar RCMP Auva NIOSH
AIST TU delf Université Paris Descartes TUM IIT Delhi Mc Gill Unifesp Shanghai University
Alstom Airbus Toyota Hyundai 3M Bosch Land rover
Bureau Veritas IPSOS AXA MACIF Harris Interactive Enov Novartis Sanofi


Jean-Marie DIROUX // Product Manager
Port. +33 (0)6 82 20 10 67 - Tél. +33 (0)3 83 90 03 21